We have some questions on hoodia diet. Will love to hear from you folks?
(April 20, 2008)
Information on Hoodia Diet
Hoodia diet is used for weight reduction. It is better to refer to your physician before commencing the same. Hoodia gordonii is a succulent cactus plant, which is seen to be grown in the Kalahari Desert. This herb was used in the initial years by the hunters for eliminating hunger in a temporary manner. It belongs to the milkweed family.
This plant comprises of 'P57', an organic chemical. Elimination of food cravings is attributed to this chemical. Small and balanced meals are recommended and you tend to eat less. Satiety is felt immediately and this is because, the brain is fooled. The plant results in the stimulation of a substance that is analogous to glucose, though stronger by 100 folds. It functions in the satiety centre, which results in gaining message in the hypothalamus, regarding fullness or satiety. This causes a reduction in the appetite. A lot of animal studies reveal the appetite suppression by these plants. It is a natural way of regulating calorie intake. It is a good substitute for the synthetic drugs with all their side effects. Research reveals the reduction of calories by thousand in obese individuals. Drugs of Hoodia gordonii are available in the pharmacy.