
  • Elimination Diet Plan Facts - Food Allergies and Recommended Foods
    Elimination DietWeight loss is the result of a combined effort of what you eat and what you burn by way of exercise. It is perseverance that makes permanent weight loss a possibility. But not everyone likes to or can exercise. That’s how fad or crash diets have become[...]

  • Milk Allergies and Tests for Lactose Intolerance
    Lactose Intolerance TestLactose intolerance is a condition in which the body is not able to digest lactose, which is a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. This condition is caused due to the deficiency of an enzyme called lactase, which is produced by the cells which line the[...]

  • Treatment for Diarrhea is to hydration the child with plenty of fluids
    Treatment for Diarrhea in children: Recent treatment in pediatric diarrhea[...]

  • Soya Bean Oil Health Benefits & Uses | Soya Bean Oil Allergy
    Soya bean oil benefits - Soya bean oil is extracted from soya bean. One of the soyabean oil benefits is the fact that it is quite low in saturated fat content. Besides the use of soyabean oil for allergy affected skin is also widely known.[...]

  • Diet For Cough And Cold In Children | Baby Diet For Cold And Cough
    Diet for cold - The ideal diet for cold should consist of a lot of fluids that can help flush out the toxin from the body.Although a balanced diet for cold and cough are relatively safe it is best to consult a doctor, before switching over to any diet.[...]

  • Juices for Allergy Treatment and General Body Strength
    Allergies Allergies are caused due to sensitivities to various substances or conditions. Identify the cause of the allergy and avoid coming into contact with it. The following juices are not so much remedies but rather for general strengthening : Carrot 8 fl oz (225ml); beetroot 8 fl oz (225ml).OrArtichoke (or[...]

  • Food Storage and Safety | Proper Food Storage | Food Storage Practices
    Proper food storage ensures the retention of the nutritional value and functional property of a food product. Although proper food storage does not improve the quality of food, it prevents the deterioration of food quality.[...]

  • Home Remedies For Under Eye Bags | Under Eye Bags Treatment
    Treating Under Eye Bags With Effective Natural Cures There could be several reasons for your eyes to become puffy or to develop bags under them. It could be due to water retention, a sudden change in the weather, change in your hormones, or the lack of sleep. Causes for under[...]

  • Hives - Symptoms, Types, Causes and Treatment
    HivesWhat is “hives”?Hives is an inflammatory condition of the skin, caused by the release of Histamine and other substances that produce changes in the outer layer of the skin.The release of histamine could be caused by allergy or other causes.The medical name for hives is[...]

  • Hand Sanitizers for Allergic Patients
    Hand SanitizersWhat are hand sanitizers?Hand sanitizers are substances used as a substitute for washing the hands with soap and water, they are usually alcohol based, and are effective in killing many small organisms that might be present on dirty hands. Hand sanitizers are also known as alcohol rubs.Why[...]

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