diabetic diet chart

  • Weight Loss - Proper Combination of Exercise and Diet
    Diet chart makes weight loss a healthy process: I am a female, my height is 4feet 9inches and weight 62kilograms, we need a diet chart to reduce weightAccording to your height your weight should be approximately 40 kg, so you are around 22 kg overweight. Your body mass index (BMI[...]

  • Dietary Fibers for Obesity Management and Health Benefits
    Obesity ManagementObesity is a condition where the body weight spirals out of control and the fat content in the body increases in proportion to the body weight. Obesity management deals with controlling and preventing such an unhealthy situation. Fat is necessary for the human body, but it when the content[...]

  • Hay Diet, Foods | Calories, Rules Of Hay Diet For Diabetes, Indigestion
    The hay diet is a fad diet that does not allow proteins and carbohydrates in the same meal and is good for diabetes, indigestion, constipation, weight loss as it based on separating food into three groups[...]

  • Over Eating Disorders May Lead to Diabetes
    Diabetes and eating disorder is a common calamitous disorder. The probability of a diabetic individual to suffer from bulimia or anorexia nervosa is more due to the raise in weight as a result of insulin use. Adolescents with diabetes are twice at risk of suffering from eating disorders. Parents play[...]

  • BMI Chart for Body, Weight and Height for Different Age
    Body weight and height – is there a relation! If so, how much should I weigh for my height & age?Body weight is often associated with increase in fat in your body, but in many cases it can also be due to increase in muscles mass on your body[...]

  • Diet Chart for Weight Loss While Experiencing PCOS
    PCOS Diet, Food ChartPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a female endocrine disorder in which there is an imbalance of the woman’s sex hormones. This syndrome can cause cysts on the ovaries, trouble with pregnancy, changes in skin color, and several menstrual problems. Obesity is one of the causes[...]

  • Diabetes Cure With Diet | Diet Soda Bad For You | Diet Soda Weight Gain
    Diet soda - Diet soda is marketed as healthy because it does not contain any sugar, or very limited quantities of it.They are high in caffeine and may give you a temporary kick, but they are also extremely addictive and have no health benefits.[...]

  • All You Need to Know about Cholesterol - Level, Chart, Food and More
    Cholesterol Levels    Cholesterol is basically a waxy steroid metabolite which is found in the cell membranes and is transported via the blood plasma. Cholesterol is an essential structural component of cell membranes and is also crucial to establish proper fluidity and membrane permeability. Additionally cholesterol is also[...]

  • Guidelines to Keep Your Diabetes Under Control
    Top Ten Diet Cheats For DiabetesA diabetic diet always is usually associated with sugar-free or boring food. It is not necessary that if you are suffering from diabetes, you need to follow a boring and restrictive lifestyle. A simple modification and small tweaks to your lifestyle can help you[...]

  • Papaya Health Benefits | Papaya Nutritional Benefits For Pregnancy, Weight Loss, Diabetes
    Papain in papaya helps to maintain smooth, healthy, youthful and glowing skin. It may induce abortion or inhibit normal growth of the embryo, if consumed during pregnancy.[...]

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