heart attack - Managing Blood Pressure At Your Finger Tips
heart attack
Managing Blood Pressure At Your Finger Tips
Tips For Managing Blood Pressure
High blood pressure also known as hypertension do not exhibit any symptoms, thus it is many times referred as a ‘silent killer’. Hypertension simply means that your heart is exerting extra pressure to pump the blood throughout the body. This extra pressure and work can[...]
Risks and Side Effects of Yo Yo or Chronic Dieting
Risks of Dieting and Chronic Dieting Side EffectsChronic Dieters who lost 10% body weight and then gained it back, increased heart risk by 30%. Yo-yo dieting or weight cycling makes it harder to lose weight permanently and is more dangerous to health.Ways to Lose Weight and Healthy Weight[...]
All You Need to Know about Bad Fats that You Should Avoid
Bad Fats There are four food groups that provide nutrition to the body. Of the four food groups, fats are the ones that cause numerous complications in the health of an individual. Fats are sub divided into good fats and bad fats. Good fats are those fats which are burnt[...]
How to Avoid Foods that Trigger Acid Reflux Problems
Treat Acid Reflux By Choosing Foods EffectivelyAcid reflux is a condition that could possibly be a precursor to the more chronic situation called Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD. This is a condition in which the stomach acids and gastric juice is regurgitated leading to a persistent cough and a[...]
Lentils - Nutritional Value and Health Benefits
LentilsLike other beans and legumes, lentils also have an impressive nutrient profile, but they are not considered complete food. Lentils can be cooked quickly and easily as compared to other beans and readily absorb various flavors of other foods and seasonings in which they are cooked. Lentils are available all[...]
Nutritional Value of Kidney Beans and Health Benefits
Kidney BeansLike their name kidney beans have a kidney like shape and are excellent choice in simmered dishes where they tend to absorb the flavor of the other foods and seasoning in which they are cooked. Like most of the other beans and legumes, kidney beans are available throughout the[...]
Benefits of Broccoli for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes
Broccoli for DiabetesBroccoli, a cruciferous vegetable is part of the Brassica family. It contains a high concentration of sulforaphane, a sulfur compound which is very effective in combating diseases. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and dietary fiber and is most nutritious if eaten raw. Broccoli is good for[...]