sudden weight gain - 3 Day Diet Weight Loss Program and 3 Day Diet Information
sudden weight gain
3 Day Diet Weight Loss Program and 3 Day Diet Information
3 Day Vegetarian Diet Information
The three day diet plan is a diet plan for weight loss. It is a form of 'yo-yo' dieting for three days. It is a fad diet, which proves useful for short term loss of extra pounds. It is a simple low calorie diet[...]
Carrot Juice for Diabetes: Health Benefits for Sugar Patients
Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which a person’s sugar levels in the blood are high. It can be caused due to the body producing less amounts of insulin or when the cells no longer respond to the insulin that is produced by the body. Diabetes (apart from[...]
Leading a Healthy Lifestyle with Proper Diet and Maintaining BMI
Diet vs. LifestyleDiet usually indicates the food that we are eating. But it can also be used to describe weight loss plan, for a temporary period. In these cases (diets) if you stray even a bit, you end up binging on food and ultimately gain weight. This also will increase[...]
Cauliflower Nutrition And Cauliflower Soup Diet
Eating Cauliflower With Mashed Potatoes
What is cauliflower diet? How should it be followed? In which ways can cauliflower be consumed and what are its health benefits?
Cauliflower is certainly a healthy vegetable; it is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and several minerals, is low in fat, and also contains[...]
Low Carbohydrate Diet Shake And Weight Loss
Healthy Shake Diet And Protein Shake Diet
Does shake diet affect the body abnormally if on a weight reduction spree. What should be reduced from the shakes to have a healthy dietary regime
Diet shakes are the latest fad in the health and fitness industry. This diet program comprises of[...]
Importance of Balanced Diet and Exercising for Good Health
For a long and a healthy life, one should always maintain a balanced diet. But the real task is selecting the correct diet plan. A diet that consists of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins, in the right proportions is considered to be a balanced diet. Many people think that starving or[...]
Healthy Ways & Exercise Tips to Gain Weight for Women
How to gain weight for womenThere are several women, all across the globe who are trying very hard to either lose weight or stay thin, by dieting or working out regularly. Ironically, there are also many young girls and women who are too thin and are therefore looking for effective[...]
Remedy For Irregular Menses | Diet Treatment For Irregular Menses
Irregular Menses Advice - If you are experiencing irregular menses it is best to consult a gynecologist to figure out the cause. The most common cause of irregular menses is hormonal imbalance.[...]