Myths of Weight Loss
Weight-Loss Myths Non-vegetarian diets are unhealthier than vegetarian diets and it is very difficult to lose weight --- Actually it is not vegetables or meat, but total number of calories consumed daily that determines weight-loss or weight-gain. However in a strict vegetarian diet you lose essential vitamins[...]
Harmful Effects of Crash Dieting to Lose Weight
Crash DietingThe human body is made up of many different organs and different types of muscle and tissue. The weight of an individual can be controlled based on two factors. The weight of an individual also depends on the amount of food that is consumed and the amount of exercise[...]
Calculating BMI With BMI Measuring Formulae | Make Your Own BMI Chart
How To Calculate BMI (Body Mass Index) - Easy Formula To Calculate Your BMI On Your Own
Body Mass Index or BMI is a method of calculating whether you are overweight or underweight. Developed by a Belgian statistician named Adolphe Quelet, it is also called the Quelet index. It is an[...]
Diet for Strength and Body Building Tips
Body Building Diet and Weight Training
Muscle gain is one of the best and healthy methods to gain weight. Involve heavy weights in your exercise regimen, for gaining extra muscles. Repetitions are good, provided you do not exceed the level. Avoid more than ten repetitions, during heavy workouts, as it[...]
Cut Your Body Fat Percentage Smartly and Be Lean
Cut Your Body Fat Percentage SmartlyTrimming the body is a matter of changing one’s diet and also of maintaining the right amount of muscle and fat – in other words the correct type of exercise. Most people looking at trimming their bodies are usually those who are on[...]
The Role of Carbohydrates and Carbohydrate Nutrition Information
Effect of Too Much Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates provide energy to the system and contain four calories per gram. They are converted into glucose, after breakdown. Increase in dietary carbohydrates results in its conversion to triglycerides, which are stored in the form of adipose tissue. This in turn results in gain of[...]
Scotch and Atkin Weight Loss Diet Program
Low Carb Diet Menu with Atkin Diet
Dr Atkin Diet Food List and Recommendations
Atkins diet is basically low carbohydrate dieting and the focus is mainly laid on fats and proteins. For this reason it is very important to count the total carbohydrate intake in the day. Counting carbohydrate in[...]
Protein Liquid Diet and Soups for Weight Loss
Protein liquid dietWeight problems are among the most common health conditions faced by people today. Obesity is becoming a growing phenomenon due to the easy availability of fast food and the sedentary nature of life. The growing problem of excess weight has also led to the introduction of a variety[...]
Effects Of Carbohydrates And Low Carbohydrate Diets
Low Carbohydrate Foods And Effect Of Low Carbohydrate Foods
There are numerous fad diets that promote the idea that carbohydrates are dangerous, but this is completely misleading. Carbohydrates are in fact an essential part of a healthy diet. They provide your body with the much needed fuel for any physical[...]
Work Out Plan For Women | Strength Training For Women
Women Work Out Plan For Weight Reduction
Being overweight is not just a physical setback for women; it has tremendous psychological implications as well. Women are particularly conscious about their physical appearance and the right body weight is considered to be one of the prerequisites for good looks. As such[...]