How Does Garlic Including in Diet Affect Heart?
Heart Benefits Of Garlic Garlic is a commonly used plant from the same family as onions. Garlic is known for its medicinal properties. Garlic is also commonly used in cooking across a wide range of cuisines across the world. Garlic is often used as a flavoring agent and is rarely[...]
Health Benefits of Garlic and Horseradish Herb
GARLIC Allium sativum Garlic has played an important role in the traditional medical systems of many countries. This little herb has excellent healing properties and is used to treat a variety of ailments Garlic has also played a significant role in religion, superstitions, and mythology. Garlic has a powerful effect[...]
Garlic Demystified - Nutritional Facts, Benefits and Side Effects
Information On GarlicContrary to popular belief, garlic is in fact a vegetable but it does belong to the family of allium vegetables like onions and leek. Despite garlic’s popular association with folklore, it’s a lot more useful to us than as a repellant for vampires! Garlic[...]
What Food Is Suitable For Cough | Home Remedies For Dry Cough
Remedies for cough - home remedies for cough include garlic supplements and chicken soup. One of the simplest remedies for cough is the mixture of onion juice, honey, and lemon juice.[...]
Juices for Indigestion Treatment and High BP Control
Indigestion It is caused by many different factors such as not too much acid, but too much alkali in the system. The objective must be to normalize and not use the strong antacids commonly employed. Try any of these different juices until you find the right one for your indigestion[...]