Home Remedies to Lose Weight
People are more into the intake of junk foods, such as burgers, potato chips, and French fries, with a carbonated beverage as snack. Read on to know m[...]
How to lose weight
Proper diet and exercise helps in loosing weight.[...]
Nutritious Toddler Diet | Baby Diet | Healthy Food For Toddlers
Toddler diet - The average toddler diet plan should include servings that are ¼ the size of adult servings.If your child is still hungry a couple of hours after dinner, give him something nutritious to eat such as cheese or fruit.[...]
Alternative Treatment to reduce Breast and Tummy Fat
There are a number of exercises which can flatten the tummy and tone overall muscles. However since breasts are not made of muscle but fat tissues. Re[...]
Perfect Balanced Diet Chart For Women's Health
Balanced Diet Plans And Foods For Better Health
I m a 26 years old housewife, my height is 5 feet 2 inches and weight is 48 kgs. I need a Perfect Balanced Diet Chart. Can you help me out with the same?
A balanced diet as the name suggests, is[...]
Maintain Your Health Cholesterol Foods Chart
Cholesterol Diet ChartCholesterol is a waxy chemical compound which is present in the cell membranes. It is also a building block for the hormones. Most of the cholesterol in the body is secreted by the liver and the rest of it comes from the food we consume. Dietary cholesterol is[...]