
  • Licorice and DGL- Health Benefits and Side Effects
    Licorice and DGLLicorice is a slow growing herb and the dried rhizome and root are the parts used medically. Licorice is commonly produced in Greece, Turkey and Asia and is used mainly for upper respiratory track ailments and gastritis. Besides being used for medical purpose, licorice is also used as[...]

  • Medicinal Benefits and Side Effects of Pumpkin
    Benefits of PumpkinPumpkins belong to the cucurbita family and are from the same family as cucumbers. The name has Greek origins from the word ‘pepon’ meaning large melon. While many varieties of pumpkins are available, typically, they are deep orange or green in color. So what about pumpkins[...]

  • Cooling Cucumber - Wonderful Cool Summer Diet
    Cucumber Nutrition And Cucumber Diet For Summers Cucumber is the ideal cooling summer food. You can have cucumber slices seasoned with a little pepper and salt as a cool and crunchy snack. It has a high water content and helps to keep your body cool and refreshed. The term ‘as[...]

  • Home Remedies For Stomach Cramps And Acute Pain Treatment
    Severe Stomach Cramps Treatment And Tips For Pain Relief The painful squeezing sensations that you may have experienced in the stomach and abdominal region is commonly referred to as stomach cramps. The cramps do not necessarily originate in the stomach or the abdominal region. The intensity of the pain too[...]

  • Diet for Bypass Surgery and Kidney Disease Nutrition
    Diet for Gastritis Bypass Surgery To plan a detailed diet chart a lot of detailed information is needed like your sex, height, weight, body frame, level of physical activity, other medical issues, past medical history, your choices, current diet and lifestyle pattern. Along with a heart problem you also seem[...]

  • Home Remedies For Stress| Anxiety Relief And Stress Treatment
    Home Remedy For Anxiety And Stress Relief Life today is full of frustrations and stress is something that one cannot avoid. A moderate amount of stress keeps us on our toes and motivates us to do better. But sometimes the stress can reach high levels which may cause disruptions in[...]

  • Honey and Vinegar Diet for Skin Care and Weight Loss
    Benefits Of A Honey And Vinegar DietThe benefits of a honey and vinegar diet combine the individual benefits of both these substances. Honey has several curative properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-emetic and painkilling properties. Vinegar has a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, on the cardiovascular system as[...]

  • Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts and Side Effects of Olive Juice
    Olive Juice Health & Nutrition BenefitsIt is a well-known fact that olive oil is very beneficial to our health but at the same time, olive juice also has a myriad of health benefits because of its nutritional contents. However, it is also important to keep in mind that although[...]

  • Ulcer And Acidic Diet | Ulcers And Acidic Food | Ulcer Treatment
    Ulcer diet-An ulcer diet may also work for individuals who suffer from other gastro-intestinal conditions such as gastritis, acid reflux disease, and so on.[...]

  • Stomach Ailments Treatment Using Fruits Like Pappaya, Lime, Bael
    Fruit - Cure for All Stomach Ailments“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” goes the age old saying. Modern day medical science shows us that this saying holds truer than we take it to be. You already know that you should supplement your diet with a daily[...]

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