high blood pressure diet

  • Obesity in Teenagers | Genetic Causes of Obesity | Exercises for Obesity
    It’s true that genetics play a major role in our body’s development. You may be born with an obesity gene, but research has proven that you can negate its effect by regular exercise. Improving your food habits and exercise is the key to preventing long te[...]

  • Managing Blood Pressure At Your Finger Tips
    Tips For Managing Blood Pressure High blood pressure also known as hypertension do not exhibit any symptoms, thus it is many times referred as a ‘silent killer’. Hypertension simply means that your heart is exerting extra pressure to pump the blood throughout the body. This extra pressure and work can[...]

  • Almond Oil Benefits And Foods For High Blood Pressure
    Almond Oil Uses And Herbs For High Blood Pressure Is almond seed good for people with high blood pressure? Almonds are healthy as an addition to not just a heart patient’s diet, but to any diet. They are particularly beneficial for patients suffering from hypertension. Almonds are an excellent[...]

  • Health And Cycling And Hypertention Causes
    Cycling And Symptoms Of Hypertension Can everyday cycling may be one of the causes of hypertension? On the contrary, cycling is one of the exercises that help to lower high blood pressure. In order to treat hypertension certain lifestyle changes with healthy diet and drug therapy prove to be beneficial[...]

  • Health Advice Epilepsy
    Epilepsy health advice: Is disorder in blood circulation and pain in fingers and hand is related to epilepsy disorder?[...]

  • Diet Recipes for Healthy Living
    Diet Recipes: I need help in knowing all about Diet recipes. What are the best diet recipes out there? Please provide information on the types of diet recipes available.[...]

  • Guidelines For Hypertension And Natural Treatment For Hypertension
    Herbal Treatment For Hypertension Hypertension or high blood pressure is refereed to as a silent killer, which can in turn lead to various complications, such as heart attack, stroke, renal failure and cardiac failure. The main objective of treatment is to decrease the blood pressure and protect the organs such[...]

  • Walnut has omega 3 fatty acids reduces the LDL cholesterol levels
    Walnut is a recommended for high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases: What about Walnut? Will it reduce cholesterol? Is there any other food that reduces cholesterol?[...]

  • Uic Acid Levels | Uric Acid Reduction & Diet | Uric Acid Gout
    Uric acid levels in an individual need to be monitored from time to time. . One of the first steps to know how to lower uric acid levels is to reduce or completely avoid the consumption of foods that are rich in purines.[...]

  • Diet Education for Diabetes
    Diabetes Diet Education: Help me please someone - what is Diabetes Diet Education? Would it be useful to someone suffering from diabetes?[...]

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