Obesity in Teenagers | Genetic Causes of Obesity | Exercises for Obesity
It’s true that genetics play a major role in our body’s development. You may be born with an obesity gene, but research has proven that you can negate its effect by regular exercise. Improving your food habits and exercise is the key to preventing long te[...]
Walking Exercise Tips and Myth about Exercising
Walking Exercise Benefits
Exercise helps the body, whether you call it a myth or a reality. You can enjoy the benefits of exercise on your own and you will realize yourself as to how true it is. Walking is the best exercise. It helps to cure a large number of[...]
Gradual weight loss with high fiber and low fat diet and exercise
Low fat and high fiber diet for loosing weight: I Need to lose my weight, what should I do?Weight loss is often a common goal these days for many people due to obesity and excess weight being an epidemic. Losing weight however should be a healthy process involving both[...]
Healthy Holiday Foods To Be Merry About
Happy Holiday Foods And Good Foods For Healthy Meals
Happy holidays! Holiday simply means outings, relaxing, parties and enjoying. The diet and exercise routine that you had followed for months goes topsy turvy and you come back to square one. Starting your diet and exercise all over again after your[...]
Burning Calories in Kickboxing, Cardio and Abs Workouts
Calories Burned During CardioCardiovascular or cardio activities can be described as any exercise, which has a positive impact on your cardiovascular functioning. Most of these exercises increase your heartbeat rate, which in turn causes your body to burn more calories. Therefore, the calories burned through a cardio routine are fairly[...]
A low fat and high protein diet helps in weight reduction
Complex carbohydrates as dietary fiber help in loss of extra pounds: I am 65 k.g., I want to reduce my weight up to 50 k.g., in a month. Can anyone suggest me some diet plan.[...]