fats - Effective Weight Loss with Fat Burning Diet Plans
Effective Weight Loss with Fat Burning Diet Plans
Burning Fats With Effective Weight Loss DietThere is an abundance of diets being offered on the market these days, with each one advertising itself as the best way to burn fats, and promising you the quickest weight loss program. Some advocate eating only proteins and cutting out carbohydrates and fat[...]
All You Need to Know about 2 Main Types of Lipids
What Are Lipids AnywayAll fats and fatlike substances that circulate in the blood streams are termed lipids. The 2 main types of lipids in the blood in combination with proteins are cholesterol and triglycerides.Cholesterol – It forms the structure of the body’s hormones and bile acids. There[...]
Saturated fats contribute to the risk of getting cardiovascular diseases
Saturated FatAlthough fat generally possesses a negative side, the fact is fat is also necessary for various vital functions in the body like providing essential fatty acids, it is important for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A,D,E,K, maintain a healthy lining between the[...]