gluten free diets

  • Body Cleaning Diet
    Fat Flush Diet: I have heard about this Fat Flush Diet. What is this all about?[...]

  • Symptoms, Diagnosis and Diet for Wheat Intolerance
    Wheat IntoleranceSuffering from any kind of food intolerance can play a significant role in the kind of food you consume on a daily basis. Suffering from an intolerance that is triggered by one of the most common elements of most recipes all over the world can be even more frustrating[...]

  • Vegetarian Substitute For Meat And Ground Beef Substitute
    Substitutes For Beef With Vegetarian Diet I am a pure vegetarian. Is there any way I could substitute beef for a vegetarian diet? You can go in for dried pulses, such as kidney beans, whole bengal gram and so on. They are cost effective and easy to cook. Dry beans[...]

  • Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Diet for Allergy
    Allergy Symptoms An allergy is a misguided reaction of the body’s immune system to certain foreign substances it comes in contact with. This is a misguided reaction as these are harmless substances and remain so when they come into contact with people who are non-allergic. However, when[...]

  • Specialized Diet Plan for Milk, Yeast, Gluten, Egg and Corn Allergies
    Allergy Diet, Foods Food allergies are a very common problem, affecting thousands of men, women and children around the globe. It can be described as an immune system reaction, which occurs after the consumption of certain food items. Even consuming the tiniest amount of food that you are allergic to[...]

  • Opting for Detox Diet - Safety Issues and Concerns
    How Safe Are Detox Diets? Detox Diet Safety Issues And ConcernsA detox diet is a diet for the detoxification of the body. A number of toxins enter your body through food, water, and air. Also, free radicals formed as a by-product of various chemical reactions in the body are[...]

  • Brown Rice Alternative | Quinoa Vs Brown Rice | Brown Rice Diet
    Brown Rice Alternative - In a brown rice diet, you can consume only brown rice, accompanied by fruits and vegetables, for no less than 7 days.[...]

  • Champion Chicken Pocket Recipe For Starters
    Simple Chicken Recipes With Stuffed Ingredients Champion Chicken Ingredients Broccoli - half cup (chop into small pieces) Yoghurt - one fourth of a cup (use the low-fat unflavored variety) Salad dressing - one fourth of a cup (low fat variety) Whole wheat pita, large - two rounds of six to seven inch length[...]

  • Yoghurt - Vegetarian Substitute For Beef And Pork
    Can I Substitute Beef With Yoghurt For Vegetarian Diet? I am purely vegetarian, Instead of beef what can I substitute? Can I add yogurt on day 4 as no diary product except milk is allowed.  Can I take yogurt instead of beef? Is there any specific diet plan that you[...]

  • Cranberry Recipe With Cilantro
    Cilantro Tabbouleh With Cranberries Cilantro Tabbouleh Recipe Ingredients ¼ cup cilantro ¼ cup cranberries, dried 1 cup bulgur 2 ½ cups chicken broth, reduced sodium 1 cup cucumber, seeded and chopped 1/8 cup shallots, chopped 1/8 cup lemon juice ½ teaspoon lemon peel, shredded finely 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon[...]

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