
  • Diet for Ovarian Cancer and Foods to Avoid
    Ovarian Cancer DietTumors that are malignant or cancerous in nature begin to develop on the ovaries, thus leading to ovarian cancer. Factors which cause ovarian cancer include hereditary genes, infertility, obesity and hormonal treatments. Although it is not possible to control some of the factors which cause this cancer, a[...]

  • Nutritional Value of Pizza Bread Makes It Popular
    With the fact that almost everybody today leads a very hectic daily schedule; the time afforded to them in previous decades to cook their favorite dish is at a high premium. As a result, we have seen a rise in the demand for fast food, primarily to save time and[...]

  • Carrot Facts - Nutritional Value, Uses for Treating Ailments
    Carrots are healthy and known for their cleansing properties. Carrots have natural sugars that can be assimilated in the body. Carrots are known for their carotenoid content and for their nourishing properties, which can balance blood sugar.Carrot Health Benefits Carrots are known for their healing properties. This vegetable has[...]

  • Antioxidant Vitamins for Skin, Cancer and Weight Loss
    Antioxidant VitaminsToxins, chemical compounds and substances known as free radicals attack the body ever day. Free radicals may be formed due to the effect of oxygen on certain molecules. These radicals can lead to a chain reaction and result in bodily damage when they interact with certain cellular components. Cell[...]

  • Cardiovascular Prevention with Bell Peppers
    Bell Peppers Bell peppers come in different colors.  Red, purple, yellow, orange, and green—all Christmassy colors that bring vibrancy in kitchens as well as in health.   Vigorous in its smallness crisp inside and juicy.  This cultivated variety belongs to the species capsicum annum. [...]

  • Nutritional and Therapeutic Values of Foods
    Therapeutic Value of Different FoodsToday awareness is increasing among consumers regarding foods and the importance of nutrients playing a role in therapeutic healing. It is increasing fast. Americans according to survey, a good 33% of them are including some foods or components into their daily food intake to enhance and[...]

  • Exercise and Alternative Diet Treatments for Cancer
    Alternative cancer treatmentsCancer is a dreaded disease that affects millions of people all over the world and the worst aspect of cancer is that it often exhibits no serious symptoms which make diagnosis even more difficult. The number of cancer cases has been rising in the last few decades and[...]

  • Vitamins and Minerals We Obtain from Vegetables
    VegetablesVegetables are plants cultivated for nourishments.  Vegetables have edible parts comprised of some or all of the following: seeds and bulbs, roots such as in beet, leaves of the spinach, or the flower shoots and blooms of broccoli and cauliflower.  Vegetables, as we have known them to be[...]

  • List of Antioxidants Types, Benefits, & Supplements
    What are AntioxidantsAntioxidants are essential for the prevention of oxidative damage in the body, which in turn, results in membrane and tissue damage. Oxygen interaction with certain molecules results in a group of atoms. They have an odd paired electron. This damage causes cell death or malfunctioning. Metabolism of oxygen[...]

  • Fruit and vegetable diet prevent diseases and help fight cancer
    Colorful Fruits and Veggies: Not just Pretty FacesEach fruit and vegetable is colored due to the presence of phyto-chemical, which prevent diseases and contain cancer-fighting substances. Eat at-least 4-5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. The below mentioned plant chemicals in fruits and vegetables reduce[...]

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