1000 calorie diets

  • Diet High In Calcium And Calcium Nutrients
    High Protein Calcium Diet With High Calcium Vegetables For Stronger Bones Calcium is a mineral, essential for various functions. The need for calcium in the growth of bones and teeth is well known. Calcium helps in muscle function. It enhances the functioning of the kidney, nerves and muscles. It also[...]

  • Pros And Cons Of Low Carb Diet
    Going On With Low Carb Diet Plan A low carb diet plan has its pros and cons and one must be aware of the implications of following either a low carb diet or a low fat low carb diet plan in order to lose excessive weight. Most of the low[...]

  • Alternative Cure for Hair loss
    Diet makes a huge difference to the weight that you carry and the quality of hair. Its about maintaining the perfect balance of diet.[...]

  • 400 Calorie Meal Ideas for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
    400 Calorie MealsCrash diets invariably fail in the long run. This is because when you’re on a crash diet, you eliminate most of the seemingly unhealthy foods. However, most of the time you end up feeling hungry and low on energy. If you’re trying to lose[...]

  • Diet shake prove beneficial in addition to low calorie diets
    Diet Shake Shake diets help in weight loss in a healthy manner. Diet shakes are low in carbohydrate and high in protein. They provide around 15 to 30 grams of protein and around 100 calories. Diet shakes prove beneficial in addition to low calorie diets. Replacement of diet shake[...]

  • 1200 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan for Healthy Living
    The best diet plans are those that allow a person a good selection of nutritious and low fat foods. Studies indicate the best way to meet your weight loss target is not by starving yourself, but by eating 25% lesser calories than you normally would. It is important that you[...]

  • Low Calorie Diet Plans: Rich in Complex Carbohydrates and Fat
    Low Calorie Diet Plans Low calorie diet is a diet which involves foods that contribute to fewer calories. They are rich in complex carbohydrate and low in refined carbohydrate and fat. Calorie counting is one of the most important guideline in low calorie diet plans. The size and frequency[...]

  • Reducing Your Calorie Intake to Lose Weight
    Calorie Intake to Lose Weight Your weight plays an important factor in determining the state of your health. It is vital to maintain your weight in a healthy bracket, which is determined on the basis of your height and build. If your weight is not within such limits; either by[...]

  • Cauliflower Nutrition And Cauliflower Soup Diet
    Eating Cauliflower With Mashed Potatoes What is cauliflower diet? How should it be followed? In which ways can cauliflower be consumed and what are its health benefits? Cauliflower is certainly a healthy vegetable; it is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and several minerals, is low in fat, and also contains[...]

  • Desserts And Sweeteners: Overweight, Diabetes
    The terms ‘Diabetes’ and ‘Sweets’ repel each other. Gone are the days, when diabetics restrained from sweets and desserts. With the blood sugar levels in the normal range, sweets are feasible for diabetics. Alternative sources of sweetening include low calorie sweeteners, reduced calorie sweeteners (alcohols) and[...]

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