A low fat and high protein diet helps in weight reduction
Complex carbohydrates as dietary fiber help in loss of extra pounds: I am 65 k.g., I want to reduce my weight up to 50 k.g., in a month. Can anyone suggest me some diet plan.[...]
1500 Calorie Meal Plan for Women, Men, Weight Loss and Diabetics
1500 Calorie Meal PlanThe 1500 calorie meal plan basically involves the individual consuming meals that provide them with not more than 1500 calories. A healthy 1500 calorie meal plan ensures that the individual is still able to get a complete and balanced diet. Those who intend on going on the[...]
Food for ulcer
Food plan for ulcer patient is beneficial for the treatment of ulcers and provide freedom from the chronic pain due to ulcers[...]
Essential Nutrients in Kids Daily Meal Plan
Kids meal plan should have all the essential nutrients: Can I have any chart suggesting what to feed 1.5 yr old kid as he is not willing to eat anything except milk?Your kid is now a toddler and is growing at a slower pace than before. Feeding a[...]
Home Remedies For Obesity | Obesity Weight Loss Diet For Effective Obesity Treatment
Treating obesity must be looked upon as a long-term goal and can be highly successful if implemented with the help of a proper dietary and exercise plan. Another important aspect to look into is to start making lifestyle changes by increasing the scope of physical activity and limiting the[...]
1400 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan for Healthy Living
A 1400 calorie vegetable meal plan helps most active people lose weight and inactive people maintain a weight that is healthy. A 1400 calorie vegetarian meal plan for women is the same as that for men, and if followed consistently, offers a number of health benefits. If you plan going[...]