Losing Weight With Exercise and Diets
Extreme Weight Loss: I need help on Extreme Weight Loss. Is it advisable for me? Can some one please answer?[...]
Advice on Beyonce Diet
Maple Syrup Diet: I need help on Maple Syrup Diet. Can some one tell me what is maple diet?[...]
Home Remedies for Mouth Blisters | Causes of Cold Sores | Treatment
Home Remedies for Mouth Blisters
Blisters in the mouth can be very painful and uncomfortable. Mouth blisters are generally of two types, cold sores and canker sores. Cold sores are also called fever blisters and appear on the lips and nose as well. They are small and red, filled with[...]
Home Remedies For Under Eye Bags | Under Eye Bags Treatment
Treating Under Eye Bags With Effective Natural Cures
There could be several reasons for your eyes to become puffy or to develop bags under them. It could be due to water retention, a sudden change in the weather, change in your hormones, or the lack of sleep. Causes for under[...]
Morning Giddiness | Dizziness And Giddiness | Giddiness Treatment
Giddiness Treatment - Dizziness and giddiness are symptoms of an underlying medical condition. Giddiness can be loosely defined as a feeling of light-headedness. An abnormal heart rhythm due to congenital reasons or age-related diseases may also cause gid[...]
Herbs and Spices in Your Kitchen Cabinet to Treat Health Ailments
Medicinal Properties of Spices from Kitchen CabinetYour kitchen cabinet probably contains a treasure trove of some of the most ancient and effective medicines known to man in the form of herbs and spices. Let us take a look at some of the more common herbs and spices that you can[...]
Alternative Cure for Hair loss
Diet makes a huge difference to the weight that you carry and the quality of hair. Its about maintaining the perfect balance of diet.[...]
Home Remedies For Whooping Cough - Treatment For Cough
Dry Cough And Home Remedies For Cold Cough
Whooping cough also known as pertussis is a condition that is caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria. Whooping cough is a contagious condition that involves an infection of one’s respiratory tract or system. This illness gets its name on account of[...]