Diet For Cough And Cold In Children | Baby Diet For Cold And Cough
Diet for cold - The ideal diet for cold should consist of a lot of fluids that can help flush out the toxin from the body.Although a balanced diet for cold and cough are relatively safe it is best to consult a doctor, before switching over to any diet.[...]
Homeopathy and the Search for a Healthy Body
HomeopathyHomeopathy is the opposite of allopathy. Homeopathy takes a different approach from conventional medicine in diagnosing, classifying and treating medical problems. Homeopathy is a subset of alternative medicine practices, that aims to treat “like with like.” Homeopathy originated in the 19th century with Samuel Hehnemann[...]
Natural Remedies and Juices for Cataract Treatment
Cataracts Need skilled medical advice but if dealt with early can respond to natural methods. Select one of the following: Carrot 10 fl oz (275ml); celery 5 fl oz (l50ml); parsley 3 fl oz (75ml); Watercress 2 fl oz (50ml). Carrot 6 fl oz (175ml); beet 5 fl oz (150ml[...]
Effective Home Remedies for Preventing Bad Breath
Bad Breath Remedies And CuresScientifically called halitosis, bad breath is one of the most common and embarrassing dental problems. Halitosis is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. These bacteria produce sulfur gas, which is a foul smelling gas and is the prime cause of bad breath.What[...]
Recommended Home Remedies for Heartburn and Hiatal Hernia
Alternative home remedies for heartburn and hiatal hernia: What home remedies you recommend for heartburn and hiatal hernia, I really hate taking medications.The use of medication like antacids to reduce heartburn is actually not advised since antacids reduce the absorption of nutrients and increase blood pressure. So you need[...]
Easy Home Remedies for Peeling Skin in Children
Home remedies and diet for peeling foot skin in children: Hi, my 2 year old son is got a problem, his hand and foot skin is peeling and he doesn't want to wear his shoes, what is the cause of that?Peeling skin is a very common condition[...]
Symptoms and Treatment for Getting Rid of Constipation
Constipation TreatmentConstipation is one of the most common conditions affecting people all over the world. Every person would have suffered from a case of constipation at some point of time in their lives or another. However, it is important to remember that the term constipation can mean different things to[...]