
  • All You Need to Know about Tofu - Facts, Calories and Benefits
    How Many Calories in Tofu?  Tofu is known to be a protein-packed soy product. A food item used extensively in Asian cuisines, tofu has quickly become a favorite all over the world due to the high nutritional valueof tofu. Tofu is not only packed with proteins but is[...]

  • Types of Diet Recipes and their Health Benefits
    Diet recipes    Nowadays there are plenty of diet plans and their corresponding diet recipes that are easily available on the internet. These diets cater to the requirements and the lifestyles of various individuals and can be modified accordingly to achieve the desired results. Liquid diet plans are[...]

  • Facts about Abs Diet - Power Recipes and Smoothies
    Abs diet recipes The Abs diet is designed in such a way that it claims to advise people on the 12supposedly power foods which are the corner stone of the Abs diet. According to the author of the Abs diet book, in order to get ideal abs the dieters[...]

  • Is Cows Milk or Soy Milk More Nutritious and Healthy
    Depending on your life style and diet cows milk and or soymilk can benefit you greatly. Each one offers its own nutritional value. If you are allergic to dairy products then it’s best to use soymilk. Or perhaps you are lactose intolerant which is why it is also[...]

  • Reduce Your Weight with Liquid Diet Shakes
    Liquid diet recipesWith the increasing focus on obesity as well as being over weight, a lot of people have started to pay more attention to the kinds of food that they consume on a regular basis. People are becoming increasingly aware of the dangers that fast foods pose to the[...]

  • Healthy Vegetarian Diet Recipes | Nutrition Vegetarian Diet Plan
    Healthy Vegetarian DietWhatever your reasons for wanting to follow a healthy vegetarian diet, to lose weight, religious reasons, environmental concerns, or just compassion towards other living creatures, a veggie diet gives you all the nutrition you need to keep healthy. In fact, studies show that over the long-term, a[...]

  • Quick and Easy Healthy Food Recipes and Snacks
    Health Food RecipesHealth food recipes consist of health foods as the main ingredients. Health food is a term used to refer to certain foods that are believed to improve health. Some example of health foods include wheat germ, yogurt and alfalfa sprouts. Related to this category are organic foods and[...]

  • Can You Eat Tofu Raw | Cooking Tofu Tips | Fried Tofu Marinade
    Soybeans are used to make tofu. “Can You Eat Tofu Raw? - Can I eat tofu without cooking it? Or I must cook tofu before eating it?” the answer is a yes and a no. Read on to know more.[...]

  • Healthy Diets - Low Calorie Food Recipes
    Low Calorie Food Recipes for DietingRecipes and low calorie is often a criterion for many and when calorie is the priority people often look out for low fat low calorie recipes. Try the following best low calorie recipes that are also low in fat.Radish saladIngredients:4 small radish, trimmed[...]

  • Free Vegetarian Recipes and Diet Plan for Weight Loss
    Free vegetarian recipesVegetarianism refers to the absence of meat, fish or any food that is derived from animals, from a person’s diet. It promotes a belief in the practice of eating strictly plant based foods, which include vegetables, fruits, cereal, nuts, grains and seeds. The main idea of[...]

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