
  • Kidney Stones Prevention And Pregnancy
    Kidney Stone Medication And Pregnancy Symptoms What if you are pregnant with kidney stone? Will the baby stay Ok? What diet and what treatment should I follow in order to avoid surgery and treat the gallstone naturally? It is common for women to get kidney stones when they are pregnant[...]

  • Juice Therapy For Jaundice And Cholera
    Juice Therapies For The Treatment Of Jaundice And Cholera How can juice therapy work effectively for diseases like jaundice and cholera. What other foods can be consumed by cholera patients? Lemon juice is believed to be highly efficient in treating the symptoms of cholera or jaundice. A regular intake of[...]

  • Herbal Medicines for Home
    Make Place for Herbal Medicines InYour HomeEvery household usually has a medicine box that is filled with little allopathic pills to combat everyday illnesses. But with a little research you will come to realize that there are more effective and natural alternatives lying in your refrigerator. These medical wonders are[...]

  • Cooling Cucumber - Wonderful Cool Summer Diet
    Cucumber Nutrition And Cucumber Diet For Summers Cucumber is the ideal cooling summer food. You can have cucumber slices seasoned with a little pepper and salt as a cool and crunchy snack. It has a high water content and helps to keep your body cool and refreshed. The term ‘as[...]

  • Hiatus Hernia - Natural Remedies, Cures | Alcohol Effects on Hiatus Hernia
    One of the Hiatal hernia natural cures is to gently massage the upper part of the abdomen a few times a day to ease the condition. Strengthening the abdominal muscles with exercise heals hiatal hernias.[...]

  • All about Wines - Alcoholic Beverage Information
    Wine Alcoholic Beverage | Layered Wine Cakes For ChristmasWine is an alcoholic beverage which is made by naturally fermenting the juice of fresh fruits. Most of the time grapes are used. Wine has been around in some form or the other from the beginning of civilization. There are very few beverages[...]

  • How Many Calories are Present in One Serving of Raisins
    Calories in Raisins Grapes when allowed to dry become raisins. The seedless variety of raisins is derived from seedless grapes, and the rare seeded ones from grapes that have been deseeded. Raisins come in natural dark, artificially-dried, white or sun dried golden categories. Sultanas are common in Europe, and[...]

  • Benefits and Dosage of Potassium Supplements
    Potassium SupplementsPotassium is an important mineral required by the body to regulate blood pressure, water balance and acidity levels. It is very important for the effective functioning of all organs, cells and tissues in the body. Potassium is also very crucial for muscular, digestive and cardiac functions. Natural sources of[...]

  • Nutrition in Raisins and Uses for Treating Various Conditions
    Raisins Benefits Raisins benefits are manifold. Raisins are dried grapes which have a wrinkly appearance to them. They are sweet and are much loved by the young and old alike. The health benefits of raisins are listed below: Raisins are an excellent source of fiber. Research has shown that one[...]

  • Mango Frappe | Recipe | Mango Health Benefits | Ingredients
    Mango Frappe No. of Serving: 3 Preparation time: 10 minutes Total time: 10 minutes Mango Frappe Ingredients: 1 medium whole ripe mango (12 ounces), peeled, pitted and cut into chunks ¾ cup orange juice ¼ cup lime juice 1-¼ cup of club soda 2 ice cubes Mango Frappe Recipe: Make a puree[...]

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