heart patient diet

  • Various Problems with Using Peak Flow Meters
    Problems With Using Peak Flow MetersThe peak flow meter provides valuable information about the functional state of the lungs in diseases that cause obstruction to the lungs like bronchial asthma and COPD. The reading of this device will determine the PEFR, among other indices, and this will influence critical clinical[...]

  • GM, foods are genetically modified and may have long term risks
    Risk of General Motors (GM) food Diet: 5 risks of GM foods?[...]

  • Food to avoid for TB | Tuberculosis Diet Plan | Recipes For TB
    Diet for TB - Foods that should be avoided in a diet for TB patients are alcohol, fried foods, canned foods, coffee, sugar and sweeteners, white bread and tea[...]

  • The Importance of Eating Nuts for Healthy Living
    Nuts are hard shell covered seeds. They are used in all kinds of cuisines. They are used as such or in the form of flakes. They find an important role in biscuits, cookies, cakes and sweets. They are nutrient dense and provide many essential nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E[...]

  • Health Advice on Bland Food Diet | Bland Diet Food List | Bland Diet Menus
    A bland diet helps the individual with weight loss, given the restrictions on his or her food intake, it does not work particularly well as a long term weight loss program.[...]

  • Fibromyalgia - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
    Fibromyalgia Treatment – A Nutritional ApproachFibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome that affects middle-aged women predominantly. It is characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain; there is tenderness at specified sites accompanied by disturbed sleep and tiredness. The relaxation rate is reduced, there is decrease in Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) and Phosphocreatine, and[...]

  • Foods to Eat and Avoid While Treating Malaria
    Diet For Malaria PatientsCaused by the bite of an Anopheles mosquito, malaria is actually a parasitic infection. The mosquito transports the parasite from one infected human to another. These parasites then enter the bloodstream, infecting the red blood cells. Symptoms of malaria include fever, chills, anemia, headaches, bloody stools, nausea[...]

  • Diet For Diabetes Patients With Gastritis
    Diet Menu For Diabetes And Diet For Gastritis I am a diabetic patient on insulin and just found out that I have gastritis too. I am in awe of what to eat, also I have had a heart attack, so I have to consider that as well. Please suggest some[...]

  • Clinical Significance of Peak Flow Meter
    Peak Flow MetersAsthma is a disease of the lungs, it is known as an obstructive airway disease, because the symptoms are caused by an obstruction to the airways inside the lung. Although this obstruction is characteristically reversible, some residual obstruction is present at rest depending on the severity of the[...]

  • Peak Flow Meter Therapy and Asthma Diagnosis
    When to use the Peak Flow MeterTo establish a diagnosis when either asthma or COPD is suspected. Both asthma and COPD are characterized by an obstructive pattern of dysfunction, so the PEFR is the index that will be abnormal. To distinguish between asthma and COPD, the obstruction is assessed to[...]

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