Advice on Kimkins Diet
Kimkins Diet: any reviews opinions on Kimkins Diet. Will like to know more, please revert with any help?[...]
600 Calorie Lunch Ideas, Ingredients and Recipes
600 Calorie Lunch The number of calories present in the food that you consume plays a huge role in the kind of lifestyle that you lead. The term ‘calories’ is one of the most misunderstood terms when it comes to healthy living. Most people tend to be of[...]
Diet for Weight Gain
To gain a reasonable amount of weight for your height consume foods that have high calorie content with larger than normal portions of food.[...]
Reducing Your Calorie Intake to Lose Weight
Calorie Intake to Lose Weight Your weight plays an important factor in determining the state of your health. It is vital to maintain your weight in a healthy bracket, which is determined on the basis of your height and build. If your weight is not within such limits; either by[...]
Counting Calories | Fast Food Calorie Count | Counting Food Calories
Counting CaloriesSimply defined, a calorie is a unit of energy, and in nutritional terms a calorie tends to represent the amount of energy that is present in a pre defined unit of food. This food could be a fat, carbohydrate or protein. The calories in food are actually known as[...]
Lose the Extra Pounds Gained This Christmas
Nullify The Extra Pounds Gained In ChristmasIt is unavoidable to gain weight during the holidays. The Christmas season has a way transforming daily routines and before you know it, you have spent all your time shopping, cooking, attending and planning parties and more importantly, indulging yourself with holiday treats. This[...]