balanced diet chart

  • Weight Loss - Proper Combination of Exercise and Diet
    Diet chart makes weight loss a healthy process: I am a female, my height is 4feet 9inches and weight 62kilograms, we need a diet chart to reduce weightAccording to your height your weight should be approximately 40 kg, so you are around 22 kg overweight. Your body mass index (BMI[...]

  • Hair And Skin Care | Natural Care For Healthy Hair & Skin Problems
    Hair and skin disorders and problems are quite common these days. Pollution and urban lifestyles play a big role in our lives and can be very damaging to our bodies. Hair and skin are the first indicators of an unhealthy lifestyle. You can use natural hair and skin care treatment[...]

  • Hay Diet, Foods | Calories, Rules Of Hay Diet For Diabetes, Indigestion
    The hay diet is a fad diet that does not allow proteins and carbohydrates in the same meal and is good for diabetes, indigestion, constipation, weight loss as it based on separating food into three groups[...]

  • Acid Alkaline Food Chart, List and Simplified Diet Recipes for Cancer
    Acid Alkaline Food Chart Consumption of healthy food paves the path for a healthy life free of all diseases and illnesses. However, eating fresh food has been replaced by eating food that is processed that contains very little nutrition. Also, there are a number of chemicals that are added to[...]

  • Diet Chart for Weight Loss While Experiencing PCOS
    PCOS Diet, Food ChartPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a female endocrine disorder in which there is an imbalance of the woman’s sex hormones. This syndrome can cause cysts on the ovaries, trouble with pregnancy, changes in skin color, and several menstrual problems. Obesity is one of the causes[...]

  • Dietary Tips To Treat High Protein Levels
    Treating High Protein Levels In Blood Please specify some dietary tips to treat high protein levels in blood. Proteins are important for the healthy functioning of the body and a healthy person needs approximately 40 to 60 g of proteins daily. Blood proteins help to regulate cell function and are[...]

  • All You Need to Know about Cholesterol - Level, Chart, Food and More
    Cholesterol Levels    Cholesterol is basically a waxy steroid metabolite which is found in the cell membranes and is transported via the blood plasma. Cholesterol is an essential structural component of cell membranes and is also crucial to establish proper fluidity and membrane permeability. Additionally cholesterol is also[...]

  • Diet for Bypass Surgery and Kidney Disease Nutrition
    Diet for Gastritis Bypass Surgery To plan a detailed diet chart a lot of detailed information is needed like your sex, height, weight, body frame, level of physical activity, other medical issues, past medical history, your choices, current diet and lifestyle pattern. Along with a heart problem you also seem[...]

  • Treat Kids with Cancer: Information, Ideas and Nutrition
    Nutrition for Children with Cancer Children's nutrition requirements undergo radical changes during oncology treatment. Sufficient intake of calories and protein is crucial for children suffering from cancer as the body uses up a lot of energy in fighting the disease, which makes them weak. A balanced diet will help[...]

  • Diet Chart for Teenagers to Lose Weight
    Diet chart for teens to loose weight: I am a girl I am 15 years old my weight is 65kg and height is 5'2 I want a diet chart to lose weight in 1 month.Hi, Weight loss is necessary, as teen obesity results in a number of[...]

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