cinnamon and diet

  • Nutrition While on a Diet
    Diet nutrition: I need a list of diet foods or foods to eat while I am on a diet. I am trying to stay on a 1500 cal diet a day. Thank you.[...]

  • Preventing Swine Flu From Spreading Through Foods | Swine Flu Prevention
    Foods To Avoid For Swine FluSwine flu is a type of influenza caused by the H1N1 virus. An outbreak of swine flu was first recorded in Spain in 1918. Now it is posing a threat to become a pandemic with people across nations getting infected with this virus. This is[...]

  • Preventing Swine Flu From Spreading Through Foods | Foods For Swine Flu Treatment
    Swine Flu Treatment And PreventionSwine flu is a type of influenza caused by the H1N1 virus. An outbreak of swine flu was first recorded in Spain in 1918. Now it is posing a threat to become a pandemic with people across nations getting infected with this virus. This is an[...]

  • Calories in Doughnut and Nutritional Information
    Calories In Doughnut - Glazed, Dunking, Cake, ChocolateWe all love doughnuts – with the variety in shapes, sizes, and flavors there’s a favorite for everyone! It is easy to overlook the calories in a doughnut when munching on a fresh-baked doughnut but you need to make sure that[...]

  • Herbal Benefits and Uses of Kababchini Spices
    Kababchini Herb And Kababchini Health BenefitsKababchini is a spice commonly used in Asian countries for cooking purposes. It is the dried fruit of an evergreen small tree Pimenta dioica which belongs to the family of creepers. The pimenta is a parasitic plant and grows on other full-grown trees. The[...]

  • Winter Squash Recipe, Ingredients, Cooking Time & Nutritional Value
    Winter Squash Recipe, Nutritional ValueWinter squash is available in various shapes such as elongated, scalloped, pear shaped and round with flesh that could be wither a light yellow to bright orange in color. Typically winter squashes tend to take slightly longer to mature as compared to a summer squash.Ingredients[...]

  • Home Remedies: Treatments for Dry Scalp | Pimples | Blackheads | Whiteheads
    Home Remedies for Dry Scalp Dry scalp occurs when the scalp is stripped of its natural oils. Dryness of the scalp can result in itching and dandruff which further aggravates the problem. Sores and lesions may also occur on the scalp due to scratching. The skin, including the scalp, loses[...]

  • Health Benefits and Medicinal Uses of Vanilla
    Benefits of Vanilla Extracts Mayan and Aztec civilizations have known about the properties of vanilla for ages. They would grind fresh pods to create medicinal elixirs and use it as royal drinks. Today, this expensive spice is gaining more attention as studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic[...]

  • Low Calorie Turkey Chili Recipes
    Low Calorie Turkey Chili Recipes Try the following delicious low calorie turkey recipes and low cal ground turkey recipes. Turkey burgers Ingredients: ¼ small cup yellow onions, chopped 1 small clove garlic, minced ½ teaspoon olive oil 2 oz ground turkey breast, skinless 1 teaspoon bread crumbs, dried ½ teaspoon barbeque sauce 1[...]

  • General Motors Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss | GM Diet Vegetarian |
    GM Diet Vegetarian -General moters vegetarian diet with wonder soup using cabbage is the main diet program. Beef in the GM diet plan[...]

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