Symptoms and Causes of Sugar Spots (Diabetic Dermopathy)
Sugar spotsSugar spots or shin spots are medically referred to as diabetic dermopathy. They also known as pigmented pretibial patches. This is a skin condition which usually occurs on the lower region of the legs in individuals with diabetes. The small blood vessels are responsible for supplying blood to[...]
Over Eating Disorders May Lead to Diabetes
Diabetes and eating disorder is a common calamitous disorder. The probability of a diabetic individual to suffer from bulimia or anorexia nervosa is more due to the raise in weight as a result of insulin use. Adolescents with diabetes are twice at risk of suffering from eating disorders. Parents play[...]
Uses and Benefits of Mango for Type 1 and 2 Diabetics
Mango For DiabetesDiabetes is not a condition that one can ignore or consider trivial. The condition is essentially a disorder that is characterized by excess amounts of blood sugar – leading to serious medical complications such as damaged blood vessels. Some of the more common causes of diabetes include: high[...]
Green Tea for Type 1 and 2 Diabetes - Intake and Precautions
Green Tea for DiabetesDiabetes is a medical condition which is broadly classified into type 1 and type 2 diabetes. If an individual is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, then the pancreas produce no or very minimal amount of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is required to lower the blood[...]
Grapes for Diabetes Type 1 and 2 - Uses and Benefits
Grapes for DiabetesGrapes are considered healthy foods for a lot of reasons. They are considered a health food because they are rich in minerals, vitamins, fiber, and other nutrients. Fruits are high in glucose and fructose, but should still be a part of the diabetic diet for the many benefits[...]
Artificial Sweeteners - Caution For Diabetes Patients
Artificial Sweeteners Effects And Dangers Of Artificial Sweeteners
After being diagnosed with diabetes you will have to start making immediate changes in your lifestyle. To keep your blood sugar levels in check, you have to start following your doctor’s instructions, controlling your diet, and incorporating exercise into your daily[...]
Drinking Vinegar | Vinegar Benefits | Drinking Vinegar Effects
benefits of drinking vinegar - The most common benefits of drinking vinegar include improving the flow of blood throughout the body and reducing blood pressure.It is also possible to use vinegar for dealing with digestive problems, ulcers, cholesterol and[...]
Neem (Margosa) Oil, Powder, Leaves and Tea for Diabetics
Neem For DiabetesNeem, also known as margosa, with its bitter properties, has been widely used in ayurvedic and herbal medicine for treating and curing a number of disorders including diabetes. The seeds and leaf extracts of the neem tree are active ingredients in the treatment of diabetes. Experts believe that[...]