general motors diet plan - Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe Plan for Weight Loss
general motors diet plan
Cabbage Soup Diet Recipe Plan for Weight Loss
Cabbage Soup DietA diet plan is generally a radical change made by an individual with the aim of losing or gaining weight. The body weight of an individual is dependent on many different factors. These factors include height, weight, and gender. There are body weight charts that can describe the[...]
Slim Fast Diet Plan | Slimming Diet Plan Reviews | Quick Weight Loss Ideas
Slim Fast Diet PlanOur diet plays an important role in the weight of the body. Body weight is one of the factors that one can judge when it comes to the general health of an individual. Those who are overweight or underweight are considered to be unhealthy when compared to[...]
Hair Fall and Dandruff Cures
Dandruff and hair loss cure: I am 19 year old girl, I have dandruff and hair falling problem. My dandruff is not dry it is wet. Please advice.[...]
Healthy Diet Program and Body Building Diets
Effective Diets and Low Carb Diet Plans
Hi, my wait is 85 kg and my height is 6.4 feet. I want to know the best diet plan according to my weight. Please consider I am living in hostel. Please advice only those foods which can be easily bought from[...]
Health Benefits Of Chicken And Cholesterol Levels In Chicken
Cholesterol In Chicken And Broth Health Benefits
Is chicken a heart healthy diet? What is the amount of cholesterol in it? Please let me know other diet for heart health
In general, chicken is quite a healthy food. As a source of protein it is one of the best, as[...]
Natural Methods Of Weight Reduction
Diet For Weight Loss And Reducing Weight Naturally
I am male 26 years, height 6 ft and weight 116 kgs. I desperately want to reduce my weight. My diet includes non-veg. I smoke 4 cigs per day and consumption of alcohol is rare. Please advice me with a proper[...]
Obesity among Children and Adolescents | BMI To Measue Obesity
Obesity is measured by the BMI or the Body Mass Index. This Index is measured by the equation weight/height², though this equation is more commonly used to classify obesity among adults, the same equation is also used for children for find out obesity amongst children. In the last[...]
Pros And Cons Of Low Carb Diet
Going On With Low Carb Diet Plan
A low carb diet plan has its pros and cons and one must be aware of the implications of following either a low carb diet or a low fat low carb diet plan in order to lose excessive weight. Most of the low[...]
Intense Sugar Cravings | Control Food Cravings | Pre Diabetic Treatment
One of the first signs of the onset of diabetes is this particularly intense craving for sugar. For symptoms such as craving sugar intensely, the most probable cause is the start of type 2 diabetes. A person who may be prone to having diabetes may also be[...]