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Bland Diet | All About Bland Diet Plan
Bland Diet Tips And Suggestions For Bland Diet
What is bland diet? Is bland diet recommended for weight reduction and diabetes
The Bland diet is a more common usage of the term BRAT diet, so called because it is an acronym for the foods that the diet consists of. Later[...]
Facts about Glycerol as Natural Sugar Substitute
GlycerolWhat is glycerol? Glycerol is a chemical compound with the formula HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH and is sweet tasting sugar alcohol with three hydrophilic alcoholic hydroxyl groups. Glycerol is also known as glycerin by commercial products and is widely distributed in nature in the form of esters known as glycerides. Since[...]
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs: Tips and Health Benefits
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs High cholesterol levels in the body can cause many adverse effects on health like heart diseases, uncontrolled diabetes, metabolic syndrome and stroke. A person who is really concerned about reducing the blood cholesterol levels should consider serious lifestyle modifications which include maintaining a healthy body weight[...]
Low Fat Dieting with GM Weight Loss Diet
General Motors Weight Loss Diet
Weight gain is a big concern for hypothyroid patients and many seek weight loss diets to get rid of the excess weight but to no avail. This is because most fad diets and general diet plans are not formulated specifically for patients of hypothyroidism, but[...]
Nutritional Supplement - Chromium Picolinate
Chromium PicolinateChromium picolinate is a nutritional supplement, a bright red solid, used to prevent or treat deficiency of chromium. It is the chromium iii salt of picolinic acid. Chromium is essential for glucose absorption and metabolism by insulin in normal health. It is the most commonly and easily absorbed form[...]
Pancreatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Foods to Eat and Avoid
Pancreatitis Diet Pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas, and it may be chronic or acute. An acute attack is characterized by severe pains in the abdominal region, whereas chronic pancreatitis is a condition that progressively results in permanently damaging the pancreatic tissues. Constant acute attacks often lead to chronic[...]
Chronic Pancreatitis Diet Plan, Food List to Avoid, Nutrition Therapy
Chronic Pancreatitis Diet Plan, RestrictionsPancreatitis is a condition wherein the patient’s pancreas is inflamed. The various enzymes released by this organ are responsible for digestion of food. When the release of these enzymes is restricted, the patient experiences severe or constant pain in the abdomen as well as[...]