overweight - Healthy Weight Control - an Introduction
Healthy Weight Control - an Introduction
Healthy Weight Control - An IntroductionHealthy weight makes one look and feel better, whereas excess weight can be associated with lots of life-threatening diseases. Earlier excess weight gain was considered a disease of the wealthy. But nowadays even developing and poor countries are facing similar problems. Over the years our[...]
Ideal Body Weight and Healthy Ways to Lose Weight
Ideal Body Weight for Height
Your weight according to your height should be around 52 kg if you are a male and 47 kg if you are a female which means that you are approximately14-19 kg overweight. Substitute high-calorie junk foods for healthier wholesome food to lose excess[...]
Overweight Women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Overweight women with PCOS: I am Aisha age is 21 years my weight is increasing day by day actually I have poly cystic ovaries problem now my weight is 69kgs and height is 5 feet 6 inches I am unmarried and worried I never did over eating.Polycystic ovarian syndrome[...]
Natural Bodybuilding Supplements | Natural Protein Shakes | Fruit Protein Shakes
The best way to start building muscle mass is by providing your body with extra protein. Natural body building supplements like fruit protein shakes could provide you with the required amount of protein. Fruits that are recommended for protein shakes are[...]
Obesity Statistics and Health Risks of Consuming Fast Food
Fast Food Meals ObesityObesity and being overweight are defined as medical disorders wherein there is an excessive or abnormal amount of fat accumulated in the body which poses a serious threat to one’s overall health. A common and popular method of measuring one’s level of obesity[...]